Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What Should You Avoid In Your Resume?

What Should You Avoid In Your Resume?

Drafting the perfect resume can be as much about not saying the wrong things as about stating the right ones. There are certain things that have no place in your resume and you should take care to exclude these elements from your resume.

Spelling Errors, Grammar and Syntax:

Your resume should have flawless grammar and syntax. Spellcheck is a common feature of most word processing programs, but grammatical and syntax errors are more difficult to spot and computers will miss many of them. Have a friend or relative review and, if they are unreliable resources, I recommend Strunk and White: Elements of Style to help you fix many common grammar errors.

Further things to strongly consider NOT doing

  • No personal pronouns
  • Eliminate Slang, flowery language or fancy fonts
  • Eliminate Jargon and Irrelevant details

When in doubt ask the many professional resume writers on this site and on the web. The help is there. You just have to ask for it.

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